[email protected]
The 350ma-Berkshires Node was formed in 2014 and immediately became active in opposing the Northeast Energy Direct Pipeline and the CT Expansion pipeline in Sandisfield (we succeeded in defeating the former, not the latter). Our members represent many of the 32 towns in Berkshire County. We actively support countywide efforts and town initiatives to build more just, sustainable, fossil-fuel-free communities. PAST WORK: The anti-pipeline work monopolized our first few years of existence, though we did begin a number of initiatives related to clean energy and energy efficiency during that time that continue to this day. We've helped Berkshire County towns earn grants through the Mass Green Communities Program and have supported clean, low-cost electricity options through Community Aggregation. We have also been key participants and/or organizers of the Annual Berkshire Earth Expo. CURRENT WORK: We're collaborating with other organizations and local residents to shut down three old, dirty, peaker plants in Berkshire County. We provide support for residential and municipal green energy and energy efficiency efforts. Some members are actively engaged in legislative and social justice work in our communities. Several of us work closely with 350Mass and other environmentalists across the state to broaden our reach and impact.
We welcome new members. Whether you wish to work on climate-related initiatives or you are an environmental justice advocate, or a community member who'd like to learn more about what we do, please get in touch. For the duration of the pandemic, meetings are held on Zoom at 6:00pm on the third Wednesday of each month.
You can reach us at: [email protected]