Welcome to the 350 Mass Members PageThis is your page, chock full of ways to make your activism more effective—from how to use Slack and Twitter, to how our organization is structured, to what actions your node can take.

Getting Started at 350 Mass

Our Organization

(Updated!) Statewide Campaign

350 Mass is most powerful when all nodes campaign together. Check out our previous campaigns! September 2024-February 2025 is Campaign Prioritization Season, where we will propose, evaluate, and then select campaign priorities for year(s) to come. For a detailed run down of our prioritization process and how you can get involved, check out the Campaign Prioritization page.

Key Dates:

  1. Friday, Nov. 15: Final Day to submit Campaign Pitches
  2. Week of Nov 21st: Campaign Pitch Meeting (exact date TBD)
  3. Wednesday, Feb. 5th: Campaign Prioritization Meeting

See full Timeline here: Link And look through all the Tools you'll need to propose and evaluate campaigns here in the Campaign Prioritization Google Folder

To be an effective activist supporting our statewide campaign, you’ll want to be on Slack, the online workspace we use to communicate with each other. If you already know how to use Slack, join the 350 Mass Slack workspace. Or learn how to use Slack before you join our workspace.


"Nodes" are our local chapters, of which there are 17 across the state.

Working Groups

350 Mass also organizes along issues-based working groups.

Organizing Within 350 Mass





Workshops and Trainings

Highlights from the Member Drive



Looking for resources that you can't find here? Want to help create guides or other materials? Please use this form or contact [email protected].