Folks can be easily stymied by abbreviations used within an organization. Here are ones you will hear most often at 350 Mass. Please know that if people in a meeting start using abbreviations you do not know, raise the jargon finger!  That’s your pointer.  Just wiggle it up and down from the knuckle and whoever is speaking will gladly define the abbreviations they are using.  Everyone in the meeting will bless you, as it might turn out that they were simply too shy to poke the pointer.

  • Exec:  SST’s smaller body created to make quick decisions and plan SST agenda 
  • EJ:  Environmental Justice
  • GWSA: Global Warming Solution Act
  • MARA:  Mass Renews Alliance
  • MOC: Member of Congress
  • MPF: Mass Power Forward
  • NVDA: Non violent direct action
  • Roadmap Act: ”Next Generations Roadmap Act”, a major MA climate bill passed into law in March, 2021
  • SLT: Statewide Legislative Team
  • SST: Statewide Steering Team (2 members from each node) determines all policy for the organization 
  • TCI: Transportation Climate Initiative
  • THRIVE: (Transform, Heal, Renew, and Invest in a Vibrant Economy) Act
  • TUE: Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy committee at the State House that reviews and votes on most of the bills 350 Mass is  advocating
  • WG: Working Group