Our Vision
A sustainable society that cherishes the health of the planet and honors all living things.
Our Mission
We are a grassroots organization working to end fossil fuel dependency and secure a just transition to a clean energy future.
Our Work
We advocate for deep systemic environmental and economic transformation through public policy, direct actions, coalitions, education, and community organizing.
How We Organize
350 Mass is a statewide, grassroots, member-led, campaign-focused network committed to a just transition for a climate-safe world.
Statewide because we focus on how the Commonwealth can meet its climate goals through legislation, regulation, and local action.
Grassroots because we build our strength from Massachusetts residents who care deeply about the climate and climate justice.
Member-led because as members we determine the direction of our work in partnership with our staff.
Campaign-focused because we set specific goals and measure accomplishments along the way to a sustainable climate for all of us.
Climate justice because climate change affects communities differently, and we believe it is important to center those most impacted in our efforts for a just and climate-safe future.
350 Mass is a dynamic organization managed by a member-led Statewide Steering Team, made up of both statewide working groups and local, member-led chapters we call “nodes”. We have nodes from the Berkshires to Cape Cod. At the state level, our members conduct focused work ranging from legislative to direct action that supports our campaign goals. We embrace a variety of tactics, all non-violent, that are most likely to further our goals.
The “350” in our name comes from 350 parts per million, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere considered safe by Dr. James Hansen, formerly of NASA, and other climate scientists.
350 Mass is part of Better Future Project, a Cambridge-based climate organizing nonprofit founded in 2011. In spring 2012, Better Future Project staff began discussions with fellow activists about the need for a grassroots climate network in Massachusetts. Inspired by collaboration with 350.org, the BFP Board founded 350 Massachusetts for a Better Future as a member-led campaign-focused network.
350 Mass is aligned with the mission and values of 350.org, and partners with 350.org on projects, but is a separate 501(c)3 organization with its own funding sources.
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