Members of Clean the Grid work on two related issues: increasing the use of solar power in Massachusetts, especially for residences and community or municipal micro-grids, and reforming ISO-NE so that the governance structure is responsive to the values of community/environmental groups and state governments.
Solar Expansion: Major utilities like Eversource and National Grid oppose the creation of community or municipal micro-grids with a linked group of solar panels. They also don’t want to upgrade their transmission lines and power stations to facilitate solar in rural communities. At present, the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities allows utilities to discourage solar by charging heavy fees for people to install panels and hook-up to the grid. Through lobbying and education our working group is changing the minds of influencers and decision-makers.
Reforming ISO New England: Heavily influenced by the companies that produce electric power and the utilities that transmit that power, it prioritizes purchase of fossil fuel energy at stable prices. It has little regard for climate change or environmental impact. Five New England governors have demanded that ISO revise its mission and governance structure. There will be public hearings, webinars, and other events around the region in 2021 about how ISO should be changed. Clean the Grid members are facilitating participation in the "Fix the Grid" campaign being led by Community Action Works, the Sierra Club, and the Acadia Center.
To join the Clean the Grid Working Group, please contact Monte Pearson at [email protected].
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