When Today September 28, 2023 at 7:30pm 1 hr 30 mins
Where zoom

Confronting Climate Crisis: The Larry Rosenberg Memorial Webinar Series

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The panel will highlight some of the technical/economic/political/practical challenges and opportunities that we need to honestly face in order to make nature-based climate-improving strategies actually work at scale. Our hope is to raise the level of discussion about these important strategies, acknowledging the unknowns and limits while suggesting ways forward.

David Montgomery, Professor of Geology at University of Washington and an expert on regenerative agriculture, will focus on farming for soil quality as a way to both feed our growing population and reduce or even sequester greenhouse gasses.

Walter Willett, from the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, who is currently the co-chair of the EAT-Lancet Commission on sustainable nutrition will summarize their findings about what we need to eat to survive in a climate-endangered world.

Ilan Zugman, 350.org’s Latin America Director, will provide an overview connecting the pressure on land use with fossil fuel extraction from a Global South perspective.
Danielle Nierenberg, Moderator, co-Founder and President of Food Tank, has a long history of making discussions exciting and insightful.

Danielle Nierenberg, Moderator, co-Founder and President of Food Tank, has a long history of making discussions exciting and insightful.

Larry Rosenberg was a lifelong progressive activist. He was an early member of both 350 Massachusetts and the Elders Climate Action – Massachusetts Chapter. From union organizing to central American solidarity work, from advocating for a just Middle East peace to pushing for climate action, his insightful analysis and enduring commitments made him a meaningful contributor to positive change. His sharp intellect also led to jobs programming wind farm software, leading an anti-military weapon proliferation research team, and supporting health-focused international development projects. After years of living with lymphoma, shortly after the COVID pandemic began, Larry’s cancer turned virulent. He died in 2022 after arranging to donate his body to the U.Mass Medical School. These three webinars are a tribute to Larry.

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