Join us for a 350 Mass Reach training on Tuesday October 25, 6 - 7 PM.
Relational Organizing is one of the best ways we can build support for the campaign and GOTV and Reach an effective tool for doing this.
Download the app Reach and enter the campaign code 8396PS.
This app matches voters in your contact list to the campaign's voter registration database. When you contact a friend through the app about the campaign you can mark their level of support in Reach (or if they have already voted!).
The app should take you no more than a half hour to set up and about twenty minutes to send messages. You get to choose which of your contacts you will be contacting. You can personalize the standard text message provided. Your text conversations will stay private. You can do it via email if you prefer, outside of the app, and report the results through the app.
Here is a guide to set up:
Can you contact 10 friends in Reach for the campaign?
Don't like to have too many apps on your phone? This is a very important and accessible way of making voter IDs for the campaign and you can delete the app once the campaign is over.
Can't make the 350 Mass Training? The campaign hosts Reach trainings every Wednesday from 5:30 - 6:30 PM. Sign up at
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