When Today June 17, 2023 at 11:00am 1 hr 30 mins
Where Framingham Chase Bank
Contact Debby Marion [email protected]

Chase Bank leads the world in fossil fuel loans. It has loaned more than TWO TRILLION DOLLARS to oil, gas and coal companies. Now, Chase Bank is infiltrating Massachusetts in a big way, especially with its purchase of failed First Republic Bank, with $18 billion in assets. The Boston Globe carried this headline: "With First Republic deal J.P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon finally becomes a big banking player in the City."

Here's our response: a series of large Chase Bank protests, organized by the Climate Courage working group of 350 Mass (a statewide climate justice network).

The first will happen on Saturday, June 17, 11:00am- 12:30pm at the Framingham branch of Chase, and WE NEED YOU.

Signs and other visual elements will be provided, or bring your own! Afterward, join the (BYO) picnic lunch in a nearby Natick backyard to hang out with fellow activists.

Register here to join us: actionnetwork.org/events/chase-bank-rally-in-framingham

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