Join your fellow and sister activists, and come ready to play, schmooze, and experience the fabulous community that is 350 MASS.
This beautiful ocean side park features tacky arcade games, multiple food stands, and abundant parking. Look for us at one of the pagodas. There will be signage. Bring your lunch and water bottle or partake of the ‘nutrition’ vendors. We will break at around noon for sustenance. And bring your bathing suit if you enjoy swimming!
Transportation: Both buses and commuter rail can bring you to Salem center, but you will need a friend with a car, bike, or Uber/Lyft for the last 2 miles. Blue Bikes are available and it is a nice ride:
A 10:30 commuter rail leaves from North Station that will reach Salem at 11:00. Some North Shore folks will be there (pick up area) to bring you to the Willows. Email: storiesalive@gmail if you’d like to avail yourself of this opportunity.
Rain Date: Same Time, Same Place, Sept. 1
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