Profile picture for Olivia wilde

Olivia wilde


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    Profile picture for Olivia wilde
    commented on Energy Oligarchs on the March 2023-09-14 02:54:41 -0400
    Recently I visited Chick-fil-A. They allow their customers to give feedback if they have visited any outlet in the near past. is the official website where the survey is taken from the customers. Not only this but to encourage the customers to participate in this, they also offer a free sandwich just by spending a few minutes answering a few simple questions.
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    Profile picture for Olivia wilde
    commented on Employer Matching Donations 2023-09-14 02:54:12 -0400
    Hello Guys! I am working as a Manager at Chick-fil-A. We are providing a survey for our customer’s feedback. In the part of the survey, we decided to give the best chance to our customers. By participating in the survey at get a chance to win a free sandwich.
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    Profile picture for Olivia wilde
    signed up on Sign up for Updates 2023-09-14 02:47:04 -0400