This week YOU can win Patagonia gear by using the Reach app to contact your friends and family about the Fair Share Amendment!
Reach matches voters in your contact list to the campaign's voter registration database. When you contact a friend about the campaign you can mark their level of support in Reach (or if they have already voted!).
No one is better positioned to speak to friends and family members about Question 1 than you! By identifying voters you help the campaign direct resources to others.
Getting Started
We are holding another training from 6-7 PM on Tuesday November 1 where you can learn more about Reach and kick off your outreach. Register here to attend.
The campaign also holds Reach trainings every Wednesday from 5:30 - 6:30 PM. Sign up at
If you can't make the training you can use this guide to set up your reach:
Make sure you enter the Campaign Key 8396PS
What is Reach?
Reach allows you to look up contacts in the campaign's voter file. You just need to know your contact's first and last name and their address (usually the town suffices).
In the app you'll report their "survey response": i.e. how much do they support or oppose the amendment.
As you import contacts, you get to choose which of your contacts you will be contacting and you can personalize the text message provided. Your text conversations will stay private and you can contact people outside the app and report the survey results through the app (for example, I email some friends because I don't have their phone number!)
Information about the Fair Share Amendment can be found here.
Results for the contest will be announced after the election.
Happy canvassing and good luck in the competition!
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