Transportation accounts for 39% of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Massachusetts, the largest of any energy sector. The 350 Mass Transportation Working Group (TWG) advocates for a drastic reduction in these emissions, achieved through measures that are socially just and equitable. Current projects include promoting electric vehicles and advocating for increases in state taxes/fees to pay for big improvements in public transit and bike/pedestrian facilities (such as the Fair Share Amendment). TWG is a member of the statewide coalition Transportation for Mass and partners with Alternatives for Community & Environment (ACE), Livable Streets Alliance, MA Public Interest Research Group (MassPIRG), MA Sierra Club, T Riders Union, Transit Matters, and the Union of Concerned Scientists.
TWG meets monthly, either in person or over the zoom. We welcome all 350 Mass supporters to join us! To learn more and/or join the group, contact volunteer Co-Chair Lucia Dolan: [email protected]. The Transportation Working Group is also active on Slack, join us!
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